There is a real battle to be fought. There is no time to lose myself in the make-believe battles of books. There are young men who need to walk away from fear, their old master, and become strong, humble men of God. There are young women who need rest and patience. There are prodigals, once faithful, who need to return to their Father. There are worldings--idolaters--who need to meet the one true God. There are blind men who need to encounter the light of truth. There are truth seekers who have yet to find the One who is truth. There are brilliant men who have yet to grasp the knowledge of God. There are humble servants whose hands need strengthening for their daily tasks. There are dark places that need the fresh air of the Holy Spirit to blow in the promise of hope, to usher in the kingdom. There are travelers, far from home, who need grace to see every part of this earth as the footstool of the King. There are troubled saints who need to sink deeper into the comfort and life of God's word.
With all these needs, all these members of our body making war against the powers of darkness, how can I close my eyes and read of fake wars, of contrived encounters with evil? I shudder at the fictional evil in books, am wild to see it destroyed, cannot put down the story, even though I know how it ends, how everything plays out. How much more should I look to the much greater evil--greater because it is real and threatening--that prowls this fallen world? How can I not give myself to the service of the great and mighty king whom I know will conquer in the end? How much more exciting, urgent, and worthwhile to fight in the battle against the real evil that ravages the works of God, that perverts and corrupts his handiwork? Lord, may I not continue in apathy! Give me grace and your power to make war against an evil a thousand times worse than the ones penned by Rowling and Tolkien. Oh, there is great joy and satisfaction in being able to march under your banner, under the banner of the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords. Thank you for buying me out of the hands of destruction, for saving me and giving me a purpose: to help restore this fallen world by reintroducing men to their Maker! May I not be content with fiction Father; rather may I know the joy of being a part of the real Story.
By the blood and in the conquering name of Jesus Christ,
This is so refreshing to read. I am fed up with the fantasies Christians have become so comfortable with. I too want to fight the good fight in the real story, where it is not the good magic versus the evil magic, but it is the power and love of God shining through the darkness and perversion of the fallen world. The amazing thing is that it does not have to be a battle, but God allows it to be because he wants us to know Him and love him. He wants to use us and to trump the wisdom and strength of the world with the foolishness and weakness of us being made perfect through Him. How awesome it is to be romanced by the God of the universe.